Mobius overview

The club was set-up in 1997 in Yorkshire;  we share in this site our experience, lessons learnt, what worked for us (or not) over the past 27 years.

 An investment club is made up of a group of people who combine their money into a larger pool, then invest collectively in stocks and bonds, making decisions democratically.  In the UK, most investment clubs have been established using the Proshare Investment Clubs (PIC) framework.

Members of the Mobius club  meet on a monthly basis to review its  portfolio,  discuss investment strategies,  asset allocation, purchases/sales, stock markets as well as macroeconomics. The club has 12 current members. These can (and are encouraged to) propose shares to the club. An investment case is required for each proposal, followed by a presentation and discussion (Q&As) before a vote takes place.  Through a one member one vote system, shares are voted in or out of the portfolio (buy/sell).

By way of example, here is an instance of the  January 2025 Mobius portfolio and the AER is the compound annual equivalent rate.


 Mobius portfolio  (snapshot January 2025)

For its accounting system, the club uses  UVS (unit valuation system), similar to Unit Trusts. The Unit Value (UV) is calculated on a monthly basis (using the last working day of each month as the valuation point for its portfolio and assets). Unlike Unit Trusts that tend to have their valuation once or twice a day, the Mobius UV is valid and in force for a whole month (until next monthly valuation). The Mobius UV was set at 100p at club creation in October 1997. Below is a 5 years UV chart to January 2025.


UV Chart toJanuary 2025 (last 5 years sliding window) 

In this site, we share our experience, lessons learnt, what worked for us (or not). For the past 25 years, it has been a great experience for members on different fronts.

You will find here content of different types; such as articles, reports and infographics on key aspects of running the club; for example

Members of the club also attend seminars organised by or for investment clubs or for private shareholders, in particular those organised in the North of England. Mobius is  interested in meeting other Investment clubs to discuss clubs' best practice, investment vehicles, charting versus fundamentals etc..

Thank you for your visit. For any comments or feedback, please contact Mourad Kara.  © Mourad Kara. Disclaimers


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